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Health > Tobacco/E-Cigarette Use
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Tobacco/E-Cigarette Use
Lancaster County’s rates of tobacco use vary by method, when compared to the U.S.
The percentage of Lancaster County adults 18 and older who report that they currently use tobacco (cigarettes/smokeless tobacco) or e-cigarettes either every day or on somedays varies by method.
- The rate of current cigarette smoking in Lancaster County and the U.S. has generally declined since 2012.
- Lancaster County has typically had slightly lower rates than the U.S. of cigarette smoking during this time.
- The rate of current e-cigarette use in Lancaster County has doubled since this measure was first collected in 2016 and is higher than the U.S. rate in 2022.
- The rate of current smokeless tobacco use in Lancaster County and the U.S. is comparable and has remained steady since 2012.
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), national data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; local data for Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department from Nebraska DHHS.
Percentage of adults 18 and older who report that they currently use tobacco (cigarettes/smokeless tobacco) or e-cigarettes either every day or on some days. Data availability varies by year for each indicator and geography.