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Census Tracts in Extreme Poverty

Lincoln has three Census Tracts in extreme poverty
Census Tracts in extreme poverty are generally considered to be those with more than 40% of residents in poverty. At this concentrated level of poverty, individuals begin to face cultural and social constraints that isolate them from opportunities for economic advancement.4,5

  • In 2000, Lincoln had no census tracts in extreme poverty.6
  • In 2013-2017, Lincoln had six census tracts in extreme poverty.
  • In 2018-2022, Lincoln had two* census tracts in extreme poverty.

Census Tracts in extreme poverty fluctuate over time, particularly for Tracts with poverty rates hovering close to 40%.

  • As of 2022, there are no new extreme poverty Census Tracts; the two Tracts in extreme poverty were also in extreme poverty five years ago.

U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 5-year estimates, Table S1701.

Does not include Census Tracts 6, 35, 36.01, or 9832.

*Value for Census Tract 5 is 39.9%. Although this rounds to 40%, the value does not cross the threshold of 40% and is, therefore, currently not in extreme poverty.

  1. Quane, J. M., & Wilson, W. J. (2012). Critical commentary: Making the connection between the socialisation and the social isolation of the inner-city poor. Urban Studies, 49(14), 2977-2987. doi: 10.1177/0042098012453857
  2. Wilson, W. J. (2010). Why both social structure and culture matter in a holistic analysis of inner-city poverty. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 629, 200-219. doi: 10.1177/0002716209357403
  3. Due to changes in the Census’ methodology for sampling populations, caution must be exercised when comparing 2000 or 2010 decennial data with the newer American Community Survey data. Census Tract geographies are updated every 10 years. As of the 2020 Decennial Census Lincoln has 81 Census Tract neighborhoods. Neighborhoods for which extreme poverty was calculated exclude Census Tract 6, situated directly over the main campus of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Census Tract 35, situated over the Lincoln Regional Center; Census Tract 36.01, covering the State Penitentiary; and 9832 over the Lincoln Airport.