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Homeless Point in Time Count
Homelessness in Lincoln is declining
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development mandates than an annual count be conducted of homeless individuals15 on a specified date. The most recent data reported is from the count conducted in 2019.
- In 2019, 449 persons in Lincoln were counted as homeless in the annual homeless point in time count.
- In 2019, a little more than one quarter of homeless individuals were children under 18 years of age (118 children).
- The homeless count hit a high in 2012 of 981 persons (310 children and 671 adults) and has been declining since.16
- The number of homeless children is 62% lower than in 2012 (310 in 2012 vs. 118 in 2019).
- The number of homeless adults is 51% lower than in 2012 (671 in 2012 vs. 331 in 2019).
15. The HUD definition of homelessness for the purpose of a point in time homeless count includes only people who are living unsheltered on the streets, in a vehicle or another place not fit for human habitation, or in an emergency shelter or transitional housing program. Many people and families considered homeless, or at risk of homelessness, including those in prison/jail, living in hotels/motels, or “couch surfing” are NOT included in the count.
16. The decrease in homelessness is believed to be attributable to increased support of homeless persons through the Rapid Rehousing, Permanent Supportive Housing, and domestic violence housing programs.