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Basic Needs > Poverty by Age Group

Poverty by Age Group

The percent of children in poverty has decreased, while adults 65 and older in poverty has increased in recent years

Compared to 2019, in 2023:

  • Children experienced less poverty (poverty rate of 9% in 2023 compared to 12% in 2019).
  • Working-age adults experienced the same levels of poverty (rate of 13% in 2023 and 2019).
  • Retirement-age adults, aged 65 and older, experienced higher levels of poverty (rate of 13% in 2023 compared to 6% in 2019).
    • From 2005 through 2022, adults 65 years or older had a lower rate of poverty than other age groups.
    • In 2023, the rate of poverty for adults 65 and older is now the same as working-age adults (13%).
      • This represents a 158% increase in the number of adults 65 years and older in poverty between 2019 (2,349 individuals) and 2023 (6,067 individuals).

U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 1-year estimates, Table S1701.