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Basic Needs > Uninsured Population by Race/Ethnicity

Uninsured population by Race/Ethnicity

The percentage of uninsured adults of color in Lincoln is higher than for White Lincoln adults
Although the overall rates of uninsured18 persons fluctuates, generally the number and rate of those uninsured has been improving in the past five years.

  • In 2023, 12% of the Latino/a or Hispanic adult population and 11% of the Black or African American adult population were without health insurance.
    • For Latino/a or Hispanic adults, this is a decrease of 63% since the highpoint in 2012, when 33% of the Latino/a or Hispanic adult population was without health insurance.
    • The percent of the Black or African American adult population without health insurance has fluctuated year to year, with a high of 30% uninsured in 2013 to a low of 6% in 2021.
  • In 2023, 7.5% of the Asian adult population was without health insurance in Lincoln.
  • In 2023, 4% of the White adult population was without health insurance in Lincoln.

U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 1-year estimates, Table S2701.

2010 is the first year this data was collected. Race/ethnic groups that make up less than one percent of the population do not appear on the chart.

  1. Rates of insurance coverage are presented here for all ages together; when restricting age, to the working age population of 19 to 64, for example, source data was suppressed in 2022 for several race and ethnic groups, and back to 2017 for some groups, so comparisons of recent years for this age group were not possible. Reasons for lack of coverage may be different depending on age of an individual.