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Community Profile


Lincoln is a growing community. In the past decade, Lincoln’s overall population has grown by more than 26,000 residents, or 10%. Since 2013, Lincoln’s growth rate of the retirement-age population has outpaced that of the working age and younger populations. However, the population of all age groups is growing, including children 19 and under. Lincoln’s children are dispersed throughout the city but are most heavily concentrated near downtown where poverty is most prevalent.

Lincoln is becoming more racially and ethnically diverse. The number of people of color living in Lincoln has increased by 23% over the last decade, and in 2023, people of color comprised 24% of Lincoln’s population. Compared to other cities across the United States, Lincoln is in the top fifth for overall well-being.


1.  A census tract may have a total land area of less than one square mile. Therefore, the concentration of children per square mile may be higher than the number of children in a census tract.

2.  U.S. Census Bureau (2022). Poverty status in the past 12 months, 2016-2020 American Community Survey 5-year estimates (Table S1701) [Data set].