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Birth and Death Rates
Lancaster County’s natural growth rate is higher than the U.S.
The natural growth rate of a community is determined by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate. Lancaster County’s natural growth rate (birth rate minus death rate) increased the total population by 0.32% in 2023. Lancaster County had a natural growth rate on par with Nebraska and double that of the U.S. in 2023.
- The Lancaster County natural growth rate was 0.32%.
- The Nebraska natural growth rate was 0.31%.
- The U.S. natural growth rate was 0.15%.
National data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Vital Statistics System.
Local birth and death rates are presented for Lancaster County, and may vary from previous Lincoln Vital Signs Reports, which previously presented data for Lincoln, NE. National rates for 2020 have been revised and may differ from those previously published.
The data collection issues experienced by the 2020 ACS severely affected the data quality of these statistics; therefore, the Census Bureau decided not to release the standard ACS 1-year data for 2020.