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Employment Status & Poverty
Most people in poverty who are in the workforce are employed
In Lincoln, the vast majority of people aged 16 or older in the civilian workforce8 who fall below the poverty threshold9 are employed.
In 2023:
- 90% of those in the civilian workforce who fall below the poverty threshold were employed.
- 10% of those in the civilian workforce who fall below the poverty threshold were unemployed.
U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 1-year estimates, Table S1701.
- The civilian workforce includes people 16 years old and over who are working or are actively looking for work, but excludes people on active duty in the United States Armed Forces.
- Federal poverty thresholds are determined annually based on household income, family size, and the number of related children under 18 years of age. In 2023, the poverty threshold for a family of four with two children under the age of 18 was $30,900 in annual household income.