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Establishment Entry Rate

The establishment entry rate of new businesses has been steady over the last decade

The establishment of new businesses (as a percentage of existing businesses) is a measure of business growth.

  • The establishment entry rate in Lincoln in 2022 was 9.1%.
  • This now surpasses the prior peak in 2016, when the establishment entry rate was 8.9%.

U.S. Census Bureau – Center for Economic Studies – Business Dynamics Statistics (2022)

The Lincoln Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) consists of Lancaster and Seward Counties.

Data shown through most recent year available.

Tabulations for prior years of data subject to periodic revision. The BDS uses longitudinal information on firms and establishments to generate measures of business dynamics and job flows. Since information from multiple years is used to produce a statistic for any given year, having more years of data surrounding the year in question improves the quantity and quality of information used to generate the statistics. Thus, less information is available to generate the last year(s) of any given BDS release.