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Household Income

Lincoln household incomes are lower than they were before COVID-19

Most economists use median income as the preferred measure of average household income, rather than the mean. This is because very high incomes skew the mean, inflating what the income is for most households.

Lincoln’s median household income, when adjusted to 2023 dollars, is a little lower than before the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • In the three years prior to the pandemic (2017 through 2019), Lincoln’s median household income was $69,422.
  • In the three years following the pandemic (2021 through 2023), Lincoln’s median household income was $67,709.

There is a large gap between median and mean household incomes in Lincoln.

  • In 2023, Lincoln’s median household income was $68,050.
  • In 2023, Lincoln’s mean household income was $94,320.

U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 1-year estimates, Table DP03; Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index Research Series Using Current Methods (CPI-U-RS), U.S. city average, all items, 1978-2023.