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Feeling Safe and Secure
People in Lincoln report feeling safe
The Lincoln Police Department, through a contract with Gallup, surveys all individuals who have contact with city police officers.
- In the past decade, through 2023, 74% to 85% of respondents have indicated that they feel safe and secure either always or most of the time.
- Of that group, there has been a steady increase in the percentage of individuals who say they always feel safe and secure prior. The percentage of individuals who say they always feel safe and secure decreased from 50% in 2018 to 39% in 2019, but has since increased to 45% in 2023.
The high percentage of feelings of safety and security among this population are particularly notable since the group includes individuals who have had contact with the police department as the result of victimization.
Lincoln Police Department, Annual Reports, Quality Service Audit.
Percentages in this figure differ slightly from the Lincoln Police Department Annual Report as this figure does not include people who did not answer this question in the calculation.